Facebook Page - Tribute to Coronavirus victims / Hommage aux victimes du Coronavirus
Facebook Page - Tribute to Coronavirus victims / Hommage aux victimes du Coronavirus
When the Covid19 pandemic was officially announced and confirmed worldwide, many good hearts started supporting our eldest and most exposed healths and souls to the danger of the virus. Donating didn’t seem enough for me, I’m not a strong builded person and I was facing allergic asthma episodes, so I wondered what kind of contribution I should give.
On the other hand, I felt that most of our efforts were were focused on stopping the virus progress, saving people’s lives, trying to support those in difficult financial situations but rarely we thought of the dead, their families, the infected fighting or facing death alone in the hospitals … Of course, this is the most anxious face of Covid19, but having lost many of my beloved ones, having faced a long disarming sickness of my father, I thought that families, survivors and even Dead urgently needed some comfort.
Also, all these statistics describing lives and beloved ones as numbers, were unbearable at some point. We humans are more than a breath, we are souls, lives, parents, children, sisters, brothers, spouses, friends, neighbours … We all contribute to this world, so we should be remembered by our contribution and should be celebrated and recalled as souls rather than numbers.
Finally, I tried to think of the best way of celebrating and tribute humanity, then Art and Literature seemed to be the most representative of human's finest legacy, mostly appreciated, full of comfort and the most expressive of all kind of feelings.
So, building a page that could use Art as Therapy, as a Soul Healing corner, as a Celebration of Humanity, as a wall of Tribute seemed to me to be the right choice. This is how #TributetoCoronavirusvictims had come to life. https://www.facebook.com/HommageauxvictimesduCoronavirus2020
Few months later, after collecting all these materials to publish or repost, I found out that many centuries ago, writers, poets, thinkers, artists had faced the same human struggles and left a tremendous heritage, brilliant thoughts and creations … I felt like they were here to support us. Then it felt to me that it was, and still is, an absolute honour and privilege to post and pass their messages.
At last, part of my fears disappeared as I realised that Humanity can’t collapse because of a tiny virus, thanks to centuries of humanity's creative heritage and thanks to today's artists, writers, poets, musicians and good heart&souls' contribution to our legacy for the next generations.
I wanted to comfort the human being and I hope I succeed a little … But for sure I ended up comforting myself.
Geneva, Mars 2021
On the other hand, I felt that most of our efforts were were focused on stopping the virus progress, saving people’s lives, trying to support those in difficult financial situations but rarely we thought of the dead, their families, the infected fighting or facing death alone in the hospitals … Of course, this is the most anxious face of Covid19, but having lost many of my beloved ones, having faced a long disarming sickness of my father, I thought that families, survivors and even Dead urgently needed some comfort.
Also, all these statistics describing lives and beloved ones as numbers, were unbearable at some point. We humans are more than a breath, we are souls, lives, parents, children, sisters, brothers, spouses, friends, neighbours … We all contribute to this world, so we should be remembered by our contribution and should be celebrated and recalled as souls rather than numbers.
Finally, I tried to think of the best way of celebrating and tribute humanity, then Art and Literature seemed to be the most representative of human's finest legacy, mostly appreciated, full of comfort and the most expressive of all kind of feelings.
So, building a page that could use Art as Therapy, as a Soul Healing corner, as a Celebration of Humanity, as a wall of Tribute seemed to me to be the right choice. This is how #TributetoCoronavirusvictims had come to life. https://www.facebook.com/HommageauxvictimesduCoronavirus2020
Few months later, after collecting all these materials to publish or repost, I found out that many centuries ago, writers, poets, thinkers, artists had faced the same human struggles and left a tremendous heritage, brilliant thoughts and creations … I felt like they were here to support us. Then it felt to me that it was, and still is, an absolute honour and privilege to post and pass their messages.
At last, part of my fears disappeared as I realised that Humanity can’t collapse because of a tiny virus, thanks to centuries of humanity's creative heritage and thanks to today's artists, writers, poets, musicians and good heart&souls' contribution to our legacy for the next generations.
I wanted to comfort the human being and I hope I succeed a little … But for sure I ended up comforting myself.
Geneva, Mars 2021
March 2020
Ce contenu a été déposé le March 31, 2021 par Fadoua Becker en utilisant le formulaire "Votre contribution :" sur le site "Corona-Memory.ch FR": https://www.corona-memory.ch/s/corona-memory-fr
Cliquer ici pour voir les données collectées.